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40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi

22nd April 2021
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Forty [Hadith] on the Foundations of Islam and the Principles of Ahkam (Al-Arbaoon fi Mabani Al-Islam wa-Qawaid al-Ahkam) by the Imam al-Nawawi, who died in the year 676 AH (May Allah have mercy on him). It is a renowned text containing forty-two ahadith (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad – Peace and Blessings be upon him) without the isnad (chain of transmission) in different categories of knowledge.

Every hadith from the collection is an important foundation in the fundamentals of the Deen and it is necessary for every seeker of paradise to learn these ahadith for their significance and comprehensiveness.

This course summarises the explanation of the forty Hadith from one of the greatest Imams of our era, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen.

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Zakariya 94 Courses